WELCOME to my tenth edition of Music Notes, which essentially is my Music Blog. Music Notes will provide more detailed information on my music, releases, updates or various musical articles.
So without further ado, enjoy this edition of Music Notes.
From Thought to Fruition
As a musician, I am usually working on multiple pieces at a time. In fact, I literally have a spreadsheet of close to 200 possible songs that I want to do and release (both vocal and instrumental). But even with all these songs "in queue", there comes a time when musical inspiration grabs my heart and soul and I am then inspired to move forward with one piece. This happened for me towards the end of 2021. "Beauty and the Beast" was welling up in my heart and I just knew this was the piece to be released next in 2022.
So I went to work to start working on the piano and orchestral arrangement. This is the beauty of music coming from a thought to fruition, thus blossoming right in front of you. In January 2022, I contacted my flutist, engineer and orchestral elementalist to give a heads up that I am putting the finishing touches together with my arrangement and will be reaching out.
My original orchestral elementalist was not available, so I had to hire and work with a new guy. I am a firm believer that "all things work together for the good". And by working with this new musician gave me a new perspective and my piece started to go a different and surprisingly new direction. Sparks of inspiration started to fill my spirit and decided to hire additional instrumentalist; clarinetist, percussionist, drummer, and violinist.
I had everything recorded and ready to go and sent to my engineer to start mixing and mastering. But inspiration was not done with me yet.
A Walk of Inspiration
I love walking in nature. There is a sense of peace and calm that is achieved when spending time in nature. It's a beautiful communion of the soul. As I was walking, another inspiration came to me. There was a section in the piece towards the crescendo of the piece where the drums come in. The inspiration came to me, what if I added bass and saxophone. I had never intended this piece to have any of these instruments, but the inspiration was strong.
I couldn't get home fast enough to contact my bassist and saxophonist. Both were on board and I sent them what I was looking for. I contacted my engineer and told him about the developments and to put his process on hold. My bassist and saxophonist delivered within a week and I sent the final product to my engineer.
Once everything was finished and I listened to the final product, my eyes swelled up with tears of joy and satisfaction. From thought to fruition. Worked with my graphic artist for the cover art and banners, obtained licensing, and sent the final product to my distributor for inspection. Once approved, it was sent to all 150+ music hubs waiting for my release date.
The Heart and Intent of this Single
I love fairytales as they remind us that dreams can and do come true, if we believe! Of all fairytales out there, I must say that "Beauty and the Beast" is my absolute favorite of ALL time. This instrumental release has totally evolved (6 months in the making!) into something purely magical. This is a rich blend of classical and contemporary instruments coming together to form this truly magical and uplifting piece.
It was so much fun playing this piece on the piano and working with so many amazing instrumentalists to bring this musical idea to fruition. As I mentioned from my first instrumental release "On Eagle's Wings" (released April 11th, 2021), the flute was my very first instrument (and then eventually piano became my main instrument). However, the flute continues to be my most favorite solo instrument of all.
In this release, returning by popular demand is Dario Cei (Italy) on the Alto Flute. Additionally, added some new music team members to the mix including Yuriy Melnyk (Ukraine) on Orchestrations, Adele Ceccanti (Italy) on Clarinet, Marco Pardini (Italy) on Percussions, Sanya Smileska (Macedonia) on Violin, and Dario Cei with a surprise performance on Drums. And lastly, I am super excited to be bringing back Brandon Meeks (USA) on Bass & Artem Zhulyev (Spain) on Sax, both who were previously featured on my vocal release, "Ordinary Fool" (from Seasons of Love EP, released February 14th, 2019). You are definitely in for a treat!!
My sincere hope and intent for this piece is that you will be inspired and given a sense of renewed hope that dreams can and do come true. Not just in fairytales, but in YOUR life as well. Be Blessed and Inspired Always!
"Beauty and the Beast" Credits & Acknowledgements
"Beauty and the Beast"
By Alan Menken and Howard Ashman
Copyright Wonderland Music Company Inc.
Producer & Arranger: LT Turner Jr
Piano: LT Turner Jr
Alto Flute: Dario Cei
Clarinet: Adele Ceccanti
Violin: Sanya Smileska
Percussion: Marco Pardini
Drums: Dario Cei
Bass: Brandon Meeks
Sax: Artem Zhulyev
Orchestration: Yuriy Melnyk
Engineer: Shordeli (Bryan Shortell)
Graphic Artist: Sandriesoft, Inc.
You can meet my entire Music Team HERE.
Preview/Listen/Download "Beauty and the Beast" Below....
For more info on "Beauty and the Beast"/to download, visit my website.
As always, thanks so much for your love & support of my music. It's so very appreciated!
PS. Be sure to Join My Music List to stay up to date with my news, contests/giveaways, and upcoming music releases!
Musically Yours,
LT Turner Jr Music Artist (Vocalist, Pianist, Arranger, Conductor, Recording Artist) www.LTTurnerJr.com
"Sharing the gift of music, one note at a time....."
- LT Turner Jr
Here's What Other's Are Saying...…
"What a beautiful instrument you have and thank you for sharing your gift with us. Beauty and the Beast is one of my all time favorite compositions and your version is just gorgeous!! I'm enjoying listening to all your songs - thank you." ~ Jesse
"Beautiful LT, a moment of beauty and calmness in this busy world!" ~ Dianne
"So soothing, wonderful, professional and enjoyable! Thank you for such a beautiful song" ~ Lisa
"Thoroughly enjoying your rendition of Beauty And The Beast! I put it on replay several times!" ~ Lon
If you downloaded my music on any music hub (Amazon, iTunes, etc.), reviews are greatly appreciated on those sites. Reviews can also be submitted via my website. Thank you for your love & support of my music! ♥
You can access Music Notes in two different places on my website.
1) Music Notes Page: I had a lot of fun putting this page together, be sure to check it out! This will be a mini page that has links to the actual music notes articles.
2) Music & Inspirational Blog: This is where all the articles will be housed for Music Notes.
If you found value in this post, have comments regarding the topic, or have any questions I can answer for you, please leave your comments below. Would love to hear from you!
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