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We value your privacy and the security of your personal information and we are very grateful and full of appreciation that you are part of our mailing lists.


Should you need to contact us, please utilize the contact box at the bottom of the page. 


The below is our privacy policy and covers the following:

  • the information that we collect;

  • how we use this information, why we store, and why we retain it; and

  • how you can request that your information is updated, corrected, or deleted. 


Music Subscribers:


The information that is collected when you subscribe is usually your name and email address or just email address. 


We use and store this information to send out emails and notifications on music updates, releases and other various musical types of information as it pertains to Musical Artist, LT Turner Jr. We will never share or sell your information, unless required by law. 


On the bottom of each email that you receive are two options:

  • Unsubscribe: You can click on this option to unsubscribe from our music list. We will surely miss you, but we truly understand if this is your desire and wish you the very best. You can resubscribe at any time if you choose by clicking here. 

  • Change Your Contact Details: You can click on this option to update your email address and/or name. 


Purchasing CD's or Donations - Our authorized payment processors that we utilize to process our CD orders and Donations are Square and Paypal. No credit card information is shared with us. The only information that is shared with us is your name, email address and address so we can ship out your order. For donations, no order is shipped. However, you will receive a thank you note. By processing your payment on Square or Paypal, you are subject to their privacy policies. 



Downloading Music - Our authorized distributor of Musical Artist, LT Turner Jr's music is CD Baby. However, our music is available on many online music hubs. When downloading music on CD Baby, you have the option to download with your name and email address or anonymously. If you choose to download with your name and email address, we will receive that information and we able to send a "Thank you" note. If you choose to download anonymously, we will not receive your information. 


When downloading on other online music hubs, we do not receive your information. The only thing we receive is the sale of that download. We thank you in advance for your support of Musical Artist, LT Turner Jr


Streaming: Our various streaming parties such as Apple Music, Spotify, etc do provide data to us via CD Baby. It does not provide name, address or any personal information. It only provides information on which country the music is being streamed from, instrument being streamed (cell phone, computer, etc.), gender, age range of listener, etc. By streaming music on these various online music streaming sites, you are subject to their privacy policy and terms and conditions. 


Tracking - The only tracking software that we do use is through StatCounter. It literally tracks the number of hits/clicks (unique or repeat) to our website. You can view StatCounter privacy policy here.


Taken from their policy, "When a visitor requests pages from the site, our Web servers automatically log the browser's domain name, and IP address. This information is collected solely for statistical purposes and is not used to identify individuals" Other personal information is not collected and basically impossible to capture. 


Music Gear/Merch - Our current music gear/merch shop is hosted by Printify. When an order is processed through our store, no credit card information is submitted to us. The only information that we receive is your name and email address - since Printify is responsible for processing your payment and shipping the item that was ordered. By ordering on our Music Gear/Merch Shop, you are under the privacy policy of Printify


Submitting Reviews: When sending in a review through our website, email, or via social media, your review (with first name only) may be used on our website or social media to show others what others are saying about Musical Artist, LT Turner Jr. If you do not want your review to be displayed, please contact us using the contact form below. 


Email Service Provider - GetResponse is our authorized email service provider. You can view GetResponse's privacy policy here. 


Hosting - Wix is our authorized web hosting. You can view Wix's privacy policy here. 


Blog Subscribers:


The information that is collected when you subscribe is usually your name and email address or just email address. 


We use and store this information to send out inspirational & encouragement emails, notifications of new blogs, and other various inspirational types of information as it pertains to Inspirational Blogger, LT Turner Jr. We will never share or sell your information, unless required by law. 


On the bottom of each email that you receive are two options:

  • Unsubscribe: You can click on this option to unsubscribe from our blog list. We will surely miss you, but we truly understand if this is your desire and wish you the very best. You can resubscribe at any time if you choose by clicking here

  • Change Your Contact Details: You can click on this option to update your email address and/or name. 


Self Help, Personal Growth & Affiliate Offers - On our blog or emails, we offer various types of self help, personal development and affiliate offers. When clicking on these offers, you are subject to the privacy policy of the company offering those programs. When a sale occurs, the only information that is provided to us, is your name and email address. No credit card information is shared with us. 


Tracking - The only tracking software that we do use is through StatCounter. It literally tracks the number of hits/clicks (unique or repeat) to our website. You can view StatCounter privacy policy here.


Taken from their policy, "When a visitor requests pages from the site, our Web servers automatically log the browser's domain name, and IP address. This information is collected solely for statistical purposes and is not used to identify individuals" Other personal information is not collected and basically impossible to capture. 


Email Service Provider - GetResponse is our authorized email service provider. You can view GetResponse's privacy policy here. 


Hosting - Wix is our authorized web hosting. You can view Wix's privacy policy here


Personal Growth - Self Help Programs & Affiliate Marketing Subscribers: 


The information that is collected when you subscribe is usually your name and email address or just email address. 


We use and store this information to send out emails as it relates to self help programs, personal development programs, affiliate marketing offers, and other various inspirational types of information as it pertains to Inspirational Blogger & Affiliate Marketer, LT Turner Jr. We will never share or sell your information, unless required by law. 


On the bottom of each email that you receive are two options:

  • Unsubscribe: You can click on this option to unsubscribe from our mailing list. We will surely miss you, but we truly understand if this is your desire and wish you the very best. You can resubscribe at any time if you choose by sending us an email here

  • Change Your Contact Details: You can click on this option to update your email address and/or name. 


Self Help, Personal Growth & Affiliate Offers - In our emails, we offer various types of self help, personal development and affiliate offers. When clicking on these offers, you are subject to the privacy policy of the company offering those programs. When a sale occurs, we are paid as an affiliate. The only information that is provided to us, is your name and email address. No credit card information is shared with us. 


Tracking - The only tracking software that we do use is through StatCounter. It literally tracks the number of hits/clicks (unique or repeat) to our website. You can view StatCounter privacy policy here.


Taken from their policy, "When a visitor requests pages from the site, our Web servers automatically log the browser's domain name, and IP address. This information is collected solely for statistical purposes and is not used to identify individuals" Other personal information is not collected and basically impossible to capture. 


Email Service Provider - GetResponse is our authorized email service provider. You can view GetResponse's privacy policy here. 


Hosting - Wix is our authorized web hosting. You can view Wix's privacy policy here. 


Capture Pages Providers:


The Conversion Pros - Privacy Policy

The Home Business Academy Funnel Builder - Privacy Policy 


Contact Us

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© 2014-2025 by LT Turner Jr - All Rights Reserved

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